

Please complete the following short survey. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and your responses will remain anonymous. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, but there is no time limit so please take however long you need. We greatly appreciate your time and thoughts!

Please note that participation in this study requires that you consent to the following statements. If you decide to participate in this study, please select “I wish to proceed”. If you decide not to participate, please exit the survey before submitting your responses.

  • I confirm that I have the “Participant Information Sheet” that explains the study.
  • I have had the opportunity to consider the information and been give contact details of the researcher (email) to ask questions and discuss the study.
  • Any questions or concerns I have about the study have been answered satisfactorily.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time during the study without giving any reason.
  • I understand that the research data, which are not linked to me, will be retained by the researchers, and may be shared with others and publicly disseminated to support other research in the future.
  • I agree to take part in the above study.
Do you wish to proceed with the survey? Required

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